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Butch Kindel

My wife Barbara and I moved to Hillcrest Street in North Plains in February of 1973. In 1977 we moved to our present house on Lenox Street. For 46 years I worked in agriculture, specializing in seed cleaning of legumes, grasses, and grains.

In 1968, I joined the North Plains Volunteer Fire Department where I volunteered until 1998. Serving the North Plains Community for 30 years was a blessing. in 1998, I was elected to the Washington County Fire District #2 Policy Board and served for 19 years. 

I served on the North Plains Planning Commission from 1976 to 1980. Then, in 1980 I ran for the City Council and was elected. I am presently completing my 43rd year of service.

Councilor Kindel was re-elected  in November, 2020 and his current term expires December 31, 2024. His email is robert.kindel@northplains.org.

Read a Q&A below with Councilor Kindel to learn more about why he serves on Council, what City accomplishment he is proud of, what he's most passionate about in the community, and more.
Meet Your Council January 2021: Councilor Robert "Butch" Kindelkindel_croppedCouncilor Robert "Butch" Kindel and his wife Barbara have lived in North Plains for nearly 50 years. Robert worked in agriculture for 46 years, specializing in seed cleaning of legumes, grasses, and grains. He has been volunteering in North Plains for over 50 years, including 30 years with the North Plains Volunteer Fire Department, 19 years on the Washington County Fire District #2 Board, 30 years on the Washington County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) board, four years on the North Plains Planning Commission, and 40 years on the City Council.

Q. Why do you serve on the City Council?

A. North Plains is a great place and I love volunteering in my community. I'm a people person and I like meeting and talking with people. I also like challenges. On City Council, we face constant challenges and opportunities needing action. Productive discussion with the six other people on City Council, looking at different opinions and making decisions on behalf of the community is satisfying.

Q. What city accomplishment are you most proud of during your time on City Council?

A. Having been on City Council for 40 years, I have worked with many Mayors and over 30 City Councilors over the years. It has been very enlightening to work with that many people, and I'm proud of helping new Council members learn how everything works, and looking at their perspectives and goals for the good of the City of North Plains.

Q. What opportunity or challenge in the community are you most passionate about and why?

A. I'm passionate about helping people in their time of need. It is very rewarding. Having been a volunteer with the North Plains Fire Department from 1968-1988 and having been involved in emergency response - whether fire, medical, or vehicle accident - it's all quick action work and it makes your heart feel good to help people. After that, I stayed on the Washington County Fire Board and was also part of the decision to partner with Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue for solid emergency response and resources to ensure people are well covered. That was a great thing to see that happen, and I'm glad to say I was part of making good decisions for emergency response for the community.

Q. What would you say to a resident who asks you, "What is the best way to get involved in North Plains?"

A. That's simple. Turn off your cell phone, get off the couch and come to a City Council meeting (virtually for now!). You'll learn a lot and can get connected.

Q. Can you share something unique or a fun fact about you? 

A. I want to thank my wife for being so understanding and allowing me to volunteer. I couldn't have done it without her support. I also thank God for giving me the energy and time to be able to make these volunteer commitments. It's not about me, it's about the community. A fun fact: I dressed up in the red suit and played Santa for 40 years for the kids in the community. I'm grateful for North Plains. It's a great place to live.