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Meet Public Works Technician Cody Brown

Cody Brown - CopyOur City employees enjoy working for the North Plains community. In this series, we introduce either an individual or a group of City employees to you each month so you can get to know us and what we do. See all of the Employee Connections so far here.

How long have you worked here? 
I have been with the City for 16 months, so I'm still sort of a newbie. I am not new to North Plains, though. I've been in the area for most of my life and also have worked at the mill on Commercial Street for 19 years. Some days after putting in a full shift at City, I still go work some hours at the mill. 

What do you do in your role for the City?
I work to respond as quickly as possible to service requests and improve North Plains in any way I can. I also fix and maintain our equipment, and whatever else the City needs me to do.

What do you like best about your job?
I like that I get to work all over town not just in one spot, and that I'm here to make residents' lives better. If anyone sees me around town say hi and let me know what I can do to help.

What is your typical workday like?
Each of us on the Public Works team starts with a morning route. I had been visiting all of the parks to check that all was well, and now I start my day by going through new construction areas to check in with contractors and to make sure there are no problems related to City services or requirements. Then I move on to service requests such as doing a final read on a water meter when someone moves out, checking into a suspected water leak, clearing a downed tree branch in the street, or unclogging a storm drain. We periodically have meetings about contractor or public works projects.

I serve because...
Well, of course for a job, but after working for the mill for so many years, I was interested in a new career. It's great to work for this small city and help be part of providing services to the community.

What I love about North Plains is...
The small town and the great people. There are a lot of friendly residents.

What do you like to do when you're not at work?
When I'm not putting in extra hours at the mill, I spend as much time as I can with my family, and I have a lot of hobbies. One of my favorite things is working on cars.