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Javier Espinoza

javier_espinoza_cropHow long have you worked here?
I have worked for the City Of North Plains close to 5 years.

What do you do in your role for the city?
My role is to ensure that the city is providing safe drinking water at its consumers taps and protecting the water system.

What do you like best about your job?
I really like the tasks that I am responsible for as well as the crew I work with everyday.

What is your typical workday like?
My everyday morning consists of checking both of our reservoirs for water levels, alarms, and making any changes as needed. Also, for part of my morning, I check on water quality and on utility locate tickets to locate our water lines for protection from excavation or drilling in town. This is also my first year in managing our Backflow program so it's been quite a change. When it's all said and done I work on what's needed and assist my team.

I serve because...
I take it upon myself as a serious responsibility to ensure public safety.

What I love about North Plains is...
I love experiencing the small town expecting major growth. I have lived here in North Plains for 6 years and the growth that I have experienced and have been a part of has been a great for me. I am excited to see what the future will bring for this city.

Say hi to Javier if you see him around town!