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Juergen (Yogi) Barters

yogi_barters - CopyHow long have you worked here?
I have been in North Plains for almost a year now, with the Washington County Sheriff for about 7.5 years and as a deputy overall for 17.5 years. Prior to Oregon, I was with the Pima County Sheriff in Southern Arizona.

What do you do in your role for the City?
I patrol the town and investigate all sorts of crimes. I also respond to civil issues along with welfare checks and try to keep people following the traffic rules. On occasion I get to give advice and information I gathered over the years to citizens so they can keep themselves safe from scammers. As a first responder, I am usually the first on scene for serious medical calls.

What do you like best about your job?
I get to meet people from all walks of life and interact with them, both during their best and worst times. I like my office, i.e. not being inside a cubicle sitting in a partitioned room. I have freedom to roam and explore and am mostly out and about.

What is your typical workday like?
There is no typical workday. My workday is very dynamic and I have to adjust at a seconds notice. It can go from watching traffic to driving with lights and sirens in a matter of seconds.

I serve because...
I serve because I can make a difference for the better, from saving lives to apprehending criminals.

What I love about North Plains is...
What I love about North Plains is the people, always waving at me, not afraid to talk to a police officer about issues or problems they have. I believe that most North Plains citizens would watch my back if I needed it.

What do you like to do when you're not at work?
When I am not at work I like to work with my hands, anything from building and remodeling to going camping, hiking, mountain climbing and traveling to historic places.