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Robin Doughty

north_plains_hi_res-25How long have you worked here?
This August, I will have been the North Plains Library Director for 4 years! I’ve been working in library leadership for about 12 years now.

What do you do in your role for the City?
In collaboration with city leaders and our library’s advisory board, I manage the overall library operations, strategic planning, budgeting, and staffing. We are open 52 hours, 6 days per week, maintain a library collection of about 18,000 items to check out, and offer a variety of programs for all ages.

What do you like best about your job?
I never get tired of seeing packages of brand-new books arrive at the library and I love making someone their very first library card! I am proud to work in such a beautiful library space and to represent North Plains while out working in our greater community.

What is your typical workday like?
On a typical day, I spend time coordinating with local leaders, library coworkers, and other city staff. When I’m not meeting with people around town or helping library visitors, I work behind the scenes so the library can run smoothly.

I serve because...
Growing up, libraries were always a place I felt welcome to explore, learn, and grow. Now, I feel privileged to be a part of providing this to others. I enjoy thinking about what’s next in libraries that we can bring to North Plains to delight our local residents.

What I love about North Plains is...
the beautiful scenery and the community feel.

What do you like to do when you're not at work?
I enjoy spending time with my 3 teenage sons, husband, and 2 doggies. We go camping, visit the coast, try all kinds of food, and host a lot of teenage gatherings in our basement. I’m also in 2 book clubs!