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Veterans Memorial Park Brick Donation Order Form

Memorial Bricks are part of the North Plains Veterans Memorial Park design and are for sale through the North Plains Parks Foundation to honor Veterans who are serving or have served and are living or deceased. The park design has more than 1,500 bricks, so we will accept dedications for years. The engraved bricks are laid twice a year – before Memorial Day (deadline is May 1, 2024), and before Veterans Day (deadline is October 1, 2023).

Below is an image of how a brick might look. Please spell out on the form below exactly how you would like your brick to appear. You may use one, two, or three lines. There is a maximum of 17 characters per line. Remember to leave a space between words. A space counts as a character.

Payment is $100. The Foundation accepts credit/debit cards and check or money orders:

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

brick_2  paypal

I have double checked the spelling on the form above and would like the brick engraved as shown. The City will follow up with a final proof for spelling and accuracy.