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Comprehensive Plan

Every Oregon city is required to have a comprehensive plan, which can be seen as the “land use constitution.” These plans are created and updated through a public involvement process in accordance with the 19 statewide land use planning goals and approved by the state. Comprehensive plans set standards on how certain types of land are planned and zoned and they determine development patterns for decades at a time. The City of North Plains Comprehensive Plan was amended and updated in April 2022.

The City of North Plains Comprehensive Plan, available for download below, is designed to:

  • Address the statewide planning goals of the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC);
  • Encourage orderly and coordinated urban growth and provide urban-level services in an efficient and
  • economic manner;
  • Enhance community livability and encourage economic expansion; and
  • Preserve the community’s character and natural resources for future generations.
Supporting Documents

North Plains Comprehensive Plan - Updated April 2022 (3 MB)