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Urban Growth Boundary Expansion Approved by City Council

At its June 20, 2023, meeting, City Council adopted a North Plains Urban Growth Boundary Expansion area. 

This expansion was initiated by the City as required by Oregon law to accommodate a 20-year supply of land for predicted population growth. Under Oregon land use law, cities are required to anticipate and plan for growth.

Throughout the four-year process to arrive at a recommended scenario, more than a dozen public meetings were held in which this expansion was discussed and public feedback was invited. The City promoted the process - including background, public meetings and project updates - on the City website, in newsletters and e-newsletters, project emails, and through the City’s Facebook page.

There were also many years of public planning that pre-date this North Plains UGB Expansion Project with cities, counties, and farmland advocates in the Portland metropolitan region setting the current urban and rural reserves, along with the urban growth boundary. The City of North Plains was intentional not to expand into rural reserves (designated farmland and forest) in this urban growth boundary expansion. Learn more about urban and rural reserves and the history of these on Metro’s website here.

We know that the growth of our community is welcomed by some and not by others, and we are committed to thoughtful planning to maintain the character and livability of North Plains.

Next Steps

The UGB amendment must next be approved by the Washington County Board of Commissioners, and the State of Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). As early as July of 2023, we plan to begin UGB concept planning to ensure that we have a good balance of housing and economic development, proper zoning, road and street connections, water delivery, parks, and trails. Public input will be important in this and will be invited.

Get More Information

Visit www.northplains.org/UGB, including the full UGB Expansion Report and an accompanying Housing Needs Analysis and Economic Opportunity Analysis, and a UGB FAQ with answers to frequently asked questions about the UGB and North Plains’ process.